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Role Players 2016

Daphna Horowitz

Author, Speaker & Change Catalyst
PEAC Solutions

Daphna Horowitz - Actuary, Author and Leadership Coach -­‐ holds qualifications in business, leadership and coaching with an FIA, PCC (ICF) and MPhil (cum laude). As the 'catalyst coach,' Daphna partners with leaders to create shifts in thinking; identify their personal mission; and align purpose with performance in order to achieve and drive excellence within their organisations. She is the founder of PEAC Solutions, an innovative company that provides a variety of coaching solutions for maximum leadership impact.

As a result of her own transition from actuary to executive coach, Daphna combines her experience in the business world, with her passion for purposeful living to deliver practical, motivational, and transformative presentations. She has developed several powerful programs, which can be delivered as keynotes or longer workshops.

She regularly appears on TV, radio and magazine articles as a specialist in areas relating to leadership and coaching. Her book, Courage to Lead (Jacana, 2014), is a practical leadership 'how-­‐to', considered to be essential reading for leaders and aspiring leaders.