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Role Players 2023


Transformational Coach, Internationally Published Author & CEO Profectus Coaching House

Ingvar Jonsson is a Transformational Coach, Internationally Published Author, Speaker, Motivator, Edutainer and Musician.

He is the CEO of Profectus Coaching House, an International Coaching and Education Centre - founded in 2012. Ingvar is an enthusiast within the areas of Emotional Intelligence, Self-Leadership, Creativity and Value-Driven Transformation.

Since 2017 Ingvar has authored four books within the area of Coaching and Personal & Leadership Transformation – one published Internationally by SAGE in 2018 and the other three have been translated to English and will be published internationally in the near future.Additionally,he has developed numerous Coaching Tools e.g., "Brand Vision Cards" - a creative Toolbox to help businesses to establish their Brand Identity - published Internationally by Bis Publishers.

In 2022 Profectus celebrated it's 10 year anniversary by conducting an International Conference in Iceland "Change the Future of Leadership" where Ingvar got numerous International Experts to feature and weave together the significantly overlapping sectionsof Creativity, Coaching and Change Management.

Ingvar´s official life vision and mission rests on his authentic believe in there are no limits to the fulfilment and success people can achieve andnothing can constrain the synergistic power generated when Courage and CreativeThinkinggo hand in hand.