Dr. Loo Leap Han

Head of Group Human Resource and Administration, KMU Eiscon Holding Sdn Bhd

Dr. Loo Leap Han

Head of Group Human Resource and Administration
KMU Eiscon Holding Sdn Bhd


Dr. Loo has more than 18 years of HR industry experience in manufacturing, healthcare, and infrastructure construction. Throughout his career, he has gained vast experience in the HR subject matter of talent management, employee competency gap analysis, HR financial and costing, organizational development & culture, employee engagement, human resource practices & process improvement and workplace bullying. Dr. Loo was featured as the Cover Story for the Human Resource Magazine, Malaysia in 2019, sharing his HR achievements story and the future HR trends. Dr. Loo also held lecturing engagements at private institution of higher learning for MBA program. Dr. Loo earned his Doctor of Philosophy in Human Resource Management from University of Malaya, with strategic human resource management, organizational culture, and firm performance being his area of expertise.



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